Coimbra Psychology in Brazilian Land

Author: Marina Massimi Part of: Coimbra as an International Institution (coord. by Mário Santiago de Carvalho) Peer-Reviewed: Yes Published: February, 16th, 2021 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4542817 The latest version of this entry may be cited as follows: Massimi, Marina, "Coimbra Psychology in Brazilian [...]

By |2022-01-10T10:41:21+00:00February 16th, 2021|Comments Off on Coimbra Psychology in Brazilian Land

De Anima: Lingyan lishao, Xingxue cushu (juan 1, 4, 5, 6)

Author: Thierry Meynard Part of: Coimbra Textes Adapted into Chinese (coord. by Elisabetta Corsi and Thierry Meynard) Peer-Reviewed: Yes Published: June, 22th, 2019 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3252378 The latest version of this entry may be cited as follows: Thierry Meynard, "De Anima: Lingyan lishao, [...]

By |2020-06-13T19:02:42+00:00June 22nd, 2019|Comments Off on De Anima: Lingyan lishao, Xingxue cushu (juan 1, 4, 5, 6)

Suárez, Francisco – Hylomorphism and Body-Soul Composition

Author: Helen Hattab Part of: Francisco Suárez’ Philosophy of Nature (coord. by Simone Guidi) Peer-Reviewed: Yes Published: May, 27th, 2020 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3858140 The latest version of this entry may be cited as follows: Hattab, Helen, "Suárez - Hylomorphism and Body-Soul Composition", [...]

By |2020-06-02T12:20:45+00:00May 27th, 2020|Comments Off on Suárez, Francisco – Hylomorphism and Body-Soul Composition

Tractatus de anima separata: Xingxue cushu (juan 2)

Author: Thierry Meynard Part of: Coimbra Textes Adapted into Chinese (coord. by Elisabetta Corsi and Thierry Meynard) Peer-Reviewed: Yes Published: July, 1th, 2019 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3265206 The latest version of this entry may be cited as follows: Thierry Meynard, "Tractatus de anima separata: [...]

By |2020-06-13T18:59:52+00:00July 1st, 2019|Comments Off on Tractatus de anima separata: Xingxue cushu (juan 2)
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