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Saint John of the Cross remains a major source of Western thought on spirituality, theology and mysticism. He is of continuing relevance in the context of present cultural malaise concerning meaning, purpose, authenticity and God. Compared to Teresa of Avila, there has been relatively little recent attention given to him in the Anglophone world and it is felt timely to hold this international conference to explore his mystical theology and spirituality from a variety of interdisciplinary perspectives.

Approaching him in the context of the late medieval mystical tradition, the conference will examine his life and teaching both historically and in its legacy for today, as it arises in a variety of discourses. In particular it will examine three key aspects of John’s work: desire, transformation and Carmel. Leading academics in the field will discuss the importance of John from historical, theological, philosophical, pastoral, ecumenical, psychological and aesthetic perspectives. There will also be opportunity for wider involvement from participants in short papers around the wider themes of desire, transformation and Carmel.